October 8th, 2014
Anonymous company ownership doesn’t exactly trip off the tongue does it? Nor is it a phrase that many people have heard of. But it should be. Anonymous company ownership is behind much of what is bad in the world.
It’s behind the fraudsters who cheat vulnerable people like the young, the old and the sick out of the resources they need to get by in life. It’s behind the tax dodgers who don’t pay their fair share towards society. It’s behind the dishonest public officials who use their positions for personal gain, and the corrupt multinationals that bribe their way...
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October 2nd, 2014
This piece is cross-posted from the blog of Transparency International
Boris Johnson’s call for new homes in London to be sold first to Londoners, "not to oligarchs”, made headlines this week.
The Mayor of London making this demand at the Conservative party conference in Birmingham highlights a growing acknowledgement that a vast number of properties in the city are being used as safe investments by the world’s mega-wealthy. In fact,
foreign buyers bought up to 75% of new homes in central London over the past year, and foreign buyers
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September 30th, 2014
California spends about $8,500 per year to educate its public school students. That’s about $3,300 less than the national average. In fact, according to
Education Week in a national ranking of states and D.C., California ranks near the bottom, at 49
th, in terms of per-pupil spending. There are reasons to believe that one cause of this problem is the system of property taxation in California—and its loopholes.
The biggest player in property taxation and its policy in California is Proposition 13. Approved by California’s voters in 1978, Proposition 13 sets
limits on the annual increases of assessed value...
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September 30th, 2014
On September 24th, tucked away in a quiet conference room in the basement of the UN General Assembly building, an extraordinary conversation took place on the future of global development. But, despite the gathering of representatives from the OECD, UN, World Bank, USAID and the Mexican, Australian, and Nigerian governments, the event received exactly zero media coverage.
Titled “
Curbing Illicit Financial Flows for Domestic Resource Mobilization and Sustainable Development in the Post-2015 Era,” the focal point of the two-hour
discussion was how the international community could, as the program description put...
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