March 29th, 2017
Transparency International said today that the governments of Australia, Canada, the UK and the US need to close glaring legal loopholes to prevent the corrupt elite from laundering the proceeds of grand corruption in their local real estate markets.
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March 24th, 2017
In March 2017 Taxcast from CoCom member Tax Justice Network: the high price we’re paying for our finance sectors – we look at staggering statistics showing how the US finance sector is a net drag on their economy.
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March 16th, 2017
Antoine Deltour and Raphaël Halet have been tried again. And convicted again. After losing a trial last year for their role in LuxLeaks, a scandal that exposed secret tax deals concocted between multinational corporations and the government of Luxembourg, the two were re-tried this year (along with journalist Edouard Perrin, who escaped conviction). While the new sentences were reduced
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March 15th, 2017
Transparency International, the global anti-corruption movement, condemns the guilty verdict and sentencing of Antoine Deltour and Raphaël Halet, the two whistleblowers who revealed secret tax rulings between the Luxembourg authorities and multinationals, known as “LuxLeaks”.
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