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Tuesday’s Top Stories
March 2nd, 2010
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Another Angle To Financial Transparency: America’s Drug War
March 1st, 2010
Oliver North from Fox News wrote a column today about the increasing rate of murders, kidnappings, and drug smuggling along the Mexico-U.S. border. After discussing the problem, he adds,

There are other challenges the administration has failed to address as well. Everyone involved – from the Andean basin to the streets of Chicago knows that the flow drugs north won't stop until the flow of money south is interdicted. Arizona's Attorney General, Terry Goddard, recently won a major settlement with Western Union about illicit financial transactions. The Departments of Justice and Treasury lauded the outcome of this...

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Monday’s Top Stories
March 1st, 2010
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Thursday’s Top Stories
February 25th, 2010
Switzerland Rejects Automatic Tax-Data Exchange The Wall Street Journal, February 25, 2010 Swiss to Submit Revised UBS Tax Deal to Parliament The New York Times, February 24, 2010 Multinationals face gathering tax storm The Financial Times, February 25 2010 Climate change's secret weapon The Asia Times, February 26, 2010 Telecom Italia Delays Results Due to Money-Laundering Probe The New York Times, February 25, 2010 US Expands Probe Of Lilly's Compliance With Antibribery Law Dow Jones Newswires, February 25, 2010 Ribadu: Corrupt Nigerians Should be Prosecuted on US Soil This Day, February 24, 2010 Ramdev advocates death penalty for corrupts Press Trust of India, February 23, 2010
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