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Friday's Daily News Digest
December 9th, 2011
On International Anti-Corruption Day, the US should not enable corruption The Hill (Op-Ed), December 9, 2011 India among best in fight with tax evasion Zeebiz (India), December 9, 2011 Human rights abuses? Blame the parents The Guardian (blog), December 9, 2011 Statement at the UN High-Level Dialogue on Financing for Development Statement at the UN
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Monday's Daily News Digest
December 5th, 2011
Insight: African leader’s son tests U.S. anti-corruption push Reuters, December 2, 2011 Imperative For Values-Based Leadership In Nigeria, Africa Nigeria Masterweb Daily News, December 3, 2011 Public outcry “set to topple banking secrecy” Swiss Info, December 5, 2011 Christian Aid group meets with MP The Watford Observer, December 5, 2011 How multinationals conduct big rip-offs
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