Join FTC for Discussion on New Covid Bailout Tracker
April 21st, 2021
April 21st, 2021
The FTC will be hosting a high-level panel on April 27 at 9:00 EST/13:00 UTC to discuss the release and findings of the FTC’s new Covid Bailout Tracker. As an unprecedented project examining the global financial response to the ongoing pandemic – examining both stimulus spending and tax changes – the Tracker is the first major analysis of all public Covid-related financial decisions.
Surveying nine countries around the world, the Tracker reveals that governments have continued to prioritize the corporate sector at the expense of everyone else, often to a staggering degree. For instance, the Tracker uncovered that only one percent of Covid-related funds were allocated to vulnerable groups most impacted by the pandemic, such as women and the elderly – all while over 60 percent of announced Covid-related funds went to the biggest corporations in the world.
Joining the FTC to discuss the report’s findings, and much more, will be:
be sure to follow the FTC on Twitter at @fintrco, and follow the hashtag #PeoplesRecovery for more online discussions.