Tax Justice Focus – The Gender Edition
May 14th, 2015
May 14th, 2015
Our colleagues at the Tax Justice Network have just released the latest edition of their quarterly newsletter, Tax Justice Focus. This edition, edited by TJN’s Liz Nelson, looks at the issue of gender and how it intersects with tax, and human rights.
From the TJN blog:
In the lead article, Mae Buenaventura of the Asian People’s Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD) notes that women represent around two thirds of the poor in Asia, and explains how harmful tax policies imposed on developing countries have disproportionately impacted women. These have important human rights impacts.
In the editorial, Liz Nelson of TJN explains that gender and tax justice is not an untold story – feminist writers and others have been engaged on these issues for decades. The question is: how to get these voices heard.
In her article Gender Equality Requires more Tax Revenue, Diane Elson, chair of the UK Women’s Budget Group, complements Mae Buenaventura’s article by looking at the issues in wealthier countries in the OECD, particularly Spain and the UK.