Reaction to EU agreement on transparency of extractive industries
April 9th, 2013
April 9th, 2013
BRUSSELS – Today the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of the EU agreed a compromise text on transparency of extractive industries. The text will be adopted by the Parliament and the Council in the coming months.
If passed, this law will oblige EU-listed and non-listed big oil, gas, mining firms and the logging industry to declare payments they make in resource-rich nations.
In response to today’s developments,
Catherine Olier, Oxfam’s EU development expert, said:
“It’s excellent news that the EU is moving towards a law that will help ordinary people harness the natural resource wealth of their countries to be lifted out of poverty. But EU politicians today could have taken a bolder stance against tax evasion and corruption by including other sectors such as telecommunications or construction. Strikingly, poor countries lose more to tax dodging than they receive in aid each year.”
Øygunn Sundsbø Brynildsen, senior policy officer at Eurodad, the European Network on Debt and Development, said:
“Despite today’s promising progress, there is still a long way to go to have EU legislation that properly fights tax dodging. While it is very important to know how much companies pay to governments, this figure alone does not give a clear picture of whether they pay their fair share of taxes. Multinationals will continue plundering developing countries until they are obliged to report information such as sales volumes, assets, staffing and profits. The currently negotiated EU banking sector reform is an example to follow in this regard.”
Although welcoming the Directive, Oxfam and Eurodad have mixed feelings about the deal:
We strongly welcome the proposal because it is a huge step in the fight against corruption. If the legislation is finally adopted by the EU:
On the other hand, the proposal failed to:
For more information and comments, contact:
Oxfam: Angela Corbalan on + 32 (0) 473 56 22 60 or
Eurodad: Øygunn Sundsbø Brynildsen on + 32 (0) 2894 46 44 or